The Top Six Things to do to Leverage Your Press Wins and Amplify Your Results
Have you recently gained some impressive PR wins but not sure what to do next?
It might be that you’ve had an interview featured in a magazine or newspaper, published a press release, been quoted in an industry-specific article, or appeared on radio, television or a podcast. You don’t want this win to be shelved and archived; you’ll want to share it far and wide. Public relations is a great tool to promote your expertise and boost awareness of your product or service. There are many ways you can amplify your goals and leverage these press wins across your social media platforms, website, and sales channels. Here are five of our favourite.
Publish an industry blog post
You’ve successfully contributed to a published article as an industry thought leader. Congratulations!
You might want to consider writing an extended blog for your website that examines the article’s topic in more detail. You can elaborate in much more depth while referring to the content of the original article. Delve deep into the topic and truly become a respected thought leader; include other references and recent news to make your argument or story even more compelling. This will help you discreetly boast about your recent article.
Every time you publish a new blog, share it across each of your channels promptly. Share it via email, in your portfolio, and include it in your social media calendar. Don’t forget to include the link to the original article.
Share those links
Do you have a press or media page on your website? The answer should be yes! You need to ensure that it is up-to-date and relevant. Positive press coverage reinforces your company’s hard-earned reputation and messaging. Consider sharing the link to your media page in your email signature. It’s an unobtrusive way to highlight your wins and the visibility of your company’s credentials.
Updating your website appeals to Google. So updating your media page not only helps with SEO rankings but it creates positive smoke signals to customers and editors that you have lots of newsworthy things going on in your company. Don’t forget that you can also have an eye-catching banner on your website that highlights the particular win, story or award.
Ensure that you keep your blog and media pages separate. You write your blog, and your media page includes links to third-party placements.
Update your bio
There are many platforms available to promote yourself and your company. Potential prospects want to know that you are credible, so you will need to ensure that your bio on your website, LinkedIn and third-party sites is up-to-date. Roam Generation can help you weave your articles into your bio. The coverage demonstrates that third-party sources trust you and strengthens your position as a credible industry thought leader. Insert media quotes into your company's bio. Curious readers can then see firsthand the publicity you have gained as a result of your expertise.
Make it social
You know how hard you’ve worked to build a timely and solid database and newsletter strategy. Each well-nurtured contact has already expressed an interest in your business, so they will be interested to hear about your good news. The same applies to your social media followers. You can quote an excerpt from an article, interview, or discussion piece and use third-party authority and endorsement in your marketing materials. Ensure you include a link to the original article in your newsletter so that your clients can read it first-hand. Give anyone else mentioned in your article a social media shout-out as well, thereby driving clicks, likes, and shares.
Don’t forget that digital news will remain online indefinitely, so make sure that particular win is used time and time again. Use Canva to highlight various elements of an article such as the magazine logo, your article heading or even the photographs that appeared in the feature. It helps you create several unique pieces of content that you can spread out over time. Another great tip is to tag the journalist who wrote the piece for you; this helps you build those all-important relationships. Why not create a Facebook advert to drive even more traffic to the article?
Lastly, provocatively summarise an essential point made in the article and summarise the article as a question to which the article is the answer and post that in LinkedIn groups.
Marketing cross-over
Don’t be afraid to include your well-earned PR successes in your marketing materials. Use quotes, logos, and references such as ‘as seen in…’ in your sales literature, website content, brochures, case studies, and marketing materials. Successful public relations is all about third-party endorsements, which drives enthusiasm and contributes to sales. Ensure that you regularly update your collateral to include the most recent and credible press wins.
By applying these simple techniques to your company messaging, you’ll support the public relations strategies, have a noticeable impact on your marketing campaigns and sales revenue targets that ultimately help you reach your goals.
Make a video
Repurpose it into a video to post on social media or a blog. Lumen5 is an example of a simple tool that turns articles into video. Create a sizzle reel. This can be used as the perfect cover photo for the client's Facebook page. Then add it to Youtube as well. Use the video link in their signature